Contact us via phone number:+84 385 312 407
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Our Tours


Culinary is not just about eating and drinking, but it also represents a country’s identity, culture and people. Understanding that, our Dining Delights tour is designed to introduce you to Vietnam’s renowned street food and Saigon’s vibrant nightlife.

Join us as we zip through the streets on our iconic Vespas, weaving our way through the labyrinth of alleys and markets that make up Saigon's culinary landscape. Led by our knowledgeable guides, who are passionate about food and local culture, you'll discover hidden street food stalls, hole-in-the-wall eateries, and authentic local joints that capture the essence of Saigon's gastronomic scene.

  • Start your food journey with a flavorful beef noodle soup (not Phở).
  • 5 districts - 4 stops - 10 different dishes represent the Saigon eating culture.
  • Immerse in a cool bustling night food market that all the youngsters in Saigon love to hangout.
  • Treat yourself with an All-you-can-eat BBQ & seafood feast on tour.
  • “Ăn Nhậu" (Eat & Drink) like a true Saigonese.


5pm - 9.30pm
USD 79
USD 40
USD 20

  • In case you want to book the tour at another time, please contact us directly via our hotline or email.
  • +84 385 312 407
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